25 Spanish Phrases For Valentine’s Day

Do you know of a powerful and often overlooked gift you can give someone you love?

Ah, how sweet, love is in the air. Chocolates in the shapes of hearts are being eaten, freshly cut roses are sitting in vases on the coffee table, cards filled with emotion and words of love are exchanged. Do you know of a powerful and often overlooked gift you can give someone you love? Telling them ‘I love you’ in their heart language. Without further delay, here are 25 Spanish phrases for you to use this Valentine’s Day:


  1. Te quiero (I love you)
  2. Eres mi amor (You are my love)
  3. Eres el amor de mi vida (You are the love of my life)
  4. Eres mi todo (You are my everything)
  5. Mi corazón es tuyo (My heart is yours)
  6. Eres el sol de mi vida (You are the sunshine of my life)
  7. Estoy enamorado/a de ti (I’m in love with you)
  8. Eres la razón por la que sonrío (You are the reason I smile)
  9. Eres mi media naranja (You are my other half)
  10. Eres el sueño que se hizo realidad (You are the dream that came true)
  11. Eres la persona con la que quiero pasar el resto de mi vida (You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with)
  12. Siempre pienso en ti (I always think of you)
  13. Eres mi felicidad (You are my happiness)
  14. Tú y yo, juntos para siempre (You and I, together forever)
  15. Eres el amor de mi corazón (You are the love of my heart)
  16. Me haces sentir completo/a (You make me feel complete)
  17. Eres mi amor verdadero (You are my true love)
  18. Eres mi razón para creer en el amor (You are my reason to believe in love)
  19. Quiero envejecer a tu lado (I want to grow old with you)
  20. Eres el dueño/a de mi corazón (You own my heart)
  21. Eres mi inspiración (You are my inspiration)
  22. No puedo vivir sin ti (I can’t live without you)
  23. Eres mi príncipe/princesa (You are my prince/princess)
  24. Eres el regalo más precioso (You are the most precious gift)
  25. Gracias por ser mi amor (Thank you for being my love)


Want to learn more Spanish phrases and culture to impress and show love to the special people in your life? Check out Cultural Bytes one-on-one program, or sign your child up for ViLaCa (Virtual Language Camp) to have fun while learning the Spanish language and culture.

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