Flan – Cooking with Valentina

Follow along the recipe to bake this sweet treat of caramel covered custard.
 Flan is a traditional caramel and custard dessert made popular by various Latin American countries and found all over the world.

Rumba music heavy with percussion greets you as you walk through the gate, honored to be invited to a traditional Cuban birthday party. You are greeted with a kiss on the cheek by a woman and ushered straight to the dessert table. Colorful culinary creations tempt you all around, but one in particular grabs your attention, a dessert like you’ve never had before.

Smooth glossy, almost like a layer of glass crowning the creamy custard dome below. You take a bite and a shock of sweetness with a subtle flavor you can’t quite describe. Ah, that’s it, a hint of bitterness and a deep, toasty undertone which you are told comes from the caramelization of the sugar. 


“Delicioso!” you proclaim to the joy of the host. “¿qué es?” (What is it?)


“Esto es flan,” he says with pride and offers you another plate.


Flan is a traditional dessert made popular by various Latin American countries and found all over the world. Depending on the country, it is prepared with slight variations, but you will always find a base of creamy custard covered in a sweet caramel sauce. If you would like to experience Flan for yourself, let’s bake it together!


You will need:


  • Water (Agua) – 10.58oz
  • Sugar (Azucar) – 8.81oz
  • Condensed Milk (Leche condensada) – 10.58oz
  • Eggs (Huevos) – 4
  • Water (Agua) – 3 cucharadas or 3 tablespoons 
  • Vanilla (Esencia de vainilla) – 1 cucharadita or 1 teaspoon


Follow Along with the Video Below



  1. To make the caramel, mix the sugar and water (10.58oz) in a pot on the stove on medium heat. Mix until it thickens and changes color. Pour out the mixture into a medium metal bowl. 
  2. In another bowl, mix together the eggs, condensed milk, water (3 tablespoons), and vanilla until thoroughly mixed. Pass the mixture through a colander and into the metal bowl with the caramel. Cover the bowl with tin foil. 
  3. Prepare a “water bath.” Put water in a pan and then put the bowl with the tin foil into the pan. The water should rise in the pan near the top of the lid. Cook on the stove for 45 minutes on medium heat.
  4. Take the foil off and use a spatula to separate the flan from the edge of the bowl. Carefully flip the bowl upside down so that the flan falls onto a plate. 
  5. Let it cool and enjoy! 



  1. Para hacer el caramelo, mezcle en una olla al fuego el azúcar y 10,58 oz de agua a fuego medio. Mezclar hasta que espese y cambie de color. Vierta la mezcla en un tazón de metal mediano.
  2. En otro tazón, mezcle los huevos, la leche condensada, 3 cucharadas de agua y la vainilla hasta que estén bien mezclados. Pasar la mezcla por un colador y al bol de metal con el caramelo. Cubre el bol con papel de aluminio.
  3. Prepare un “baño de agua”. Ponga agua en una cacerola y luego coloque el bol con el papel de aluminio en la cacerola. El agua debe subir en la olla cerca de la parte superior de la tapa. Cocine en la estufa durante 45 minutos a fuego medio.
  4. Quita el papel aluminio y utiliza una espátula para separar el flan del borde del bol. Con cuidado voltea el bol boca abajo para que el flan caiga sobre un plato.
  5. ¡Déjalo enfriar y disfruta!


If you enjoyed baking and eating Flan, sign your child up for Cultural Bytes’ ViLaCa (Virtual Language Camp), where we teach the Spanish language through fun, culturally-relevant activities like crafts, games and baking.

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