How to Teach a Visual Learner – Language Learning

Visual Learners learn through seeing.

What is a Visual Learner?


A visual learner absorbs information primarily using their eyes rather than their hands (kinesthetic) or ears (auditory). If they don’t “see” it, they’re not able to fully comprehend it. Most visual learners learn best by observing and analyzing visual aids such as diagrams, flow charts, graphs, colors, and maps. For example, say you’re trying to teach your child about the process of how pottery is made. A kinesthetic learner will want to jump in and play with the clay themselves, an auditory learner will want to hear a detailed explanation of how the process works, while a visual learner will want you to show it to them and then attempt it for themselves.


How do I know if my child is a visual learner?

Take the Quiz below.

Child's Learning Style Quiz

'Learning Styles' is a term that refers to different ways in which human beings learn, process, and retain information. Though we use all of the learning styles, we tend to be stronger in and prefer one above the others. Discovering your child's preferred learning style will help you know how to teach them better you as well as assist them in developing the lesser used styles. 

1 / 7

If you are teaching about geography, your child would learn best by:

2 / 7

You are teaching new vocabulary words about the topic, ‘family.’ Does your child:

3 / 7

You are reading a story. What is your child doing?

4 / 7

When in a group with other children, your child…

5 / 7

When doing an art project with your child, they….

6 / 7

When your child is not sure how to spell a word, what are they most likely to do?

7 / 7

Which statement best represents your child?

Get Quiz Results


Signs of an visual learner include:


Enjoys doodling and drawing

Thoughts might wander during a lesson

Good memorization skills 

Enjoys reading books with images

Focused when reading

Notices details (can remember faces and images)

Neat and organized

Enjoys coloring pictures

Often closes their eyes to visualize or remember

Has good handwriting

Has a vivid imagination

May often look at a teacher’s lips while the teacher is talking


How to teach a visual learner?

Congratulations, you’ve determined your child is a visual learner! Now how do you move forward with that information? Here are some suggestions on how to teach a visual learner:



1. Use a Visual Schedule

Create a visual schedule to show the week’s activities with words and pictures and hang it up in a place where they can look at it often. This will give them an idea of what to expect for the upcoming week/month and they can visualize the topic for the day. 


2. Visual Games

Playing games that stimulate the imagination will help reinforce the lesson. This is doubly true when your child is learning a new language. Here are a few examples of visual games you can play:

  • Flashcards with colorful images
  • Matching games (and repeating the words out loud). 
  • Picture Talk: Pick an exciting picture and ask your child to describe it in the target language.
  • ‘Hidden object’ picture books. 



3. Use a Whiteboard

Writing words and drawing concepts with colorful markers on a whiteboard will help keep your child engaged. Bonus if you can draw visuals around words. 



4. Provide a Dedicated Workplace

Visual learners work best in organized environments. Having their own dedicated and clean place to work helps them avoid distractions and stay focused. 



5. Don’t neglect the other styles of learning!

While it’s important to understand and play to the strengths of your child’s preferred learning style, children will actually learn best through multisensory learning when all the sensory modes (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) are engaged. Adding audio queues such as reading a book out loud or watching a movie will help stimulate different parts of their brain. Adding hands-on activities, such as crafts and games will get their bodies moving and interacting with the lesson in a different way. 



Did you know that Cultural Bytes incorporates all three types of learning (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) in our In Person and Online Classes? Don’t wait another day to sign your child up and find out what the fun is all about. 

We play games like balloon toss (Kinesthetic).

We color and draw almost every day (Visual).

We play music and language games (Auditory).

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