List of the Best Virtual Camps to Learn Spanish
Trying to choose the right virtual language school is like being dropped off in the middle of Yosemite National Park with two water bottles and a compass and being told, “find civilization.” Start hiking in any direction and you’ll be sure to find something eventually, but what path is really best for you depends on where you want to go. We’ve gathered some information on what we think are the best options for virtual language camps offered this summer and present them to you like ‘trail markers’ to help you make an informed decision.
We may be a bit biased, but we think Cultural-Bytes Virtual Language Camp (ViLaCa) is an excellent choice for young language learners. It is designed for kids who understand enough Spanish in their homes but just don’t feel equipped enough to speak and therefore don’t like answering in Spanish. ViLaCa teaches language and culture through age appropriate games, activities and crafts.
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu
Ages 4 – 6 yrs
1:30pm PST and 3:30pm PST / 4:30pm EST and 6:30pm EST
Ages 7-12
2:00 pm PST and 4:00 pm PST / 5:00 pm EST and 7:00 pm EST
$60 a month
Drop in: $10/day
Pros: – Smaller classes (cap. = 10 students) – Age specific. Offering two classes for different age groups allows for teaching that is appropriate to their learning level. – Excellent reviews and testimonials (search ‘Cultural-Bytes’ in Yelp.com and Sawyer.com) | Cons: – Classes are in Pacific Standard Time, which means that the class might be a little late in the day for students in other time zones. |
2. All Kid Spanish
All Kid Spanish Online Camp is a fun, interactive camp that is geared towards intermediate to advanced Spanish speakers looking for an effective and exciting way to sharpen their language skills. With a different topic planned for each day of the week, students will interact not only with Spanish, but with many fun and practical subjects.
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Aug 10, 2022 – Dec 19, 2022
Ages 4-10
5:00pm – 5:30pm EDT
$243+ per semester
Drop in: $13.99/day
Pros: – High standards for teachers. Each is required to have a degree in the educational or related field, be a native Spanish teacher, and are trained to teach classes online. – Organized by day: Monday /Art, Tuesday /STEM, Wednesday /Virtual travel, Thursday /cooking, Friday -Storytime. | Cons: – Shorter class times (only 30 min.) – No reviews/testimonials to read of camper’s and parent’s experience (either on Yelp.com or Sawyer.com) |
3. Kallpachay
Kallpachay is a colorful and innovative Spanish immersion organization that offers a summer camp for students wanting to improve their Spanish. The teachers make every lesson count for language learning, utilizing games, challenges, surprises, creative projects, and video documentation.
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Jun 13, 2022 – Aug 26, 2022
Ages 4 – 18+ yrs
9:00am – 11:00am PDT
$675 per month ($168.75/week)
Drop in: $55/day
Pros: – Excellent resources and support system including a helpful website, informative blog, good customer service, and other class options outside of Online Language Camp. – Small class size – 10 students per zoom room group according to age. This allows for more attention to be given to each student and the lessons to be more age appropriate. | Cons: – Expensive. – Long class times. On one hand, this gives more exposure to the language, but on the other hand, 2 hours is a long time to concentrate during summertime. |
We know choosing the right programs for your children is an important and sometimes overwhelming process, and we hope this information helps you take steps toward choosing the correct camp for you. To quote the over-quoted proverb one more time, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
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