The Best Spanish YouTube Channels for Children by Category

Some kids have described our language camp as “even more fun than Netflix!”

Looking for safe and engaging YouTube Channels for your children to watch in between homework and classes? We’ve found them for you! Here are the top Spanish YouTube Channels for children by category.


Educational Songs (Beginner)


On this channel you will find familiar songs like the Alphabet song, ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes’ and familiar stories like ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ A good channel to ease children into Spanish and bridge the cultural gap. 


From the channel:

MUSIC is a GREAT WAY to learn the language making it FUN. It helps to memorize faster & improve pronunciation. I learned everything (video & music recording & editing) on YouTube with the amazing tutorials from many YouTubers out there! I believe that we can use YouTube as a powerful tool to learn and make the world a more educated place.



Cartoons, Songs, Storytelling (Preschool)


Created in Chile, this YouTube channel is beloved worldwide, amassing an average of 11 million views per month. Listening to stories will help your children develop their listening skills. 


From the channel:

🐾 Enjoy children’s songs, Children’s Rounds, Music to play and preschool stories with My dog ​​Chocolo 🐾Chocolo the dog likes to dance!


Cartoons Stories (Beginner/Intermediate)


This channel offers plenty of family friendly stories filled with useful vocabulary of the wildly popular Peppa Pig cartoon. 


From the channel:

Peppa is an adorable little pig who lives with her parents and her little brother George. He loves to play and dress up and spends his days jumping in the mud puddles that surround his house.



Songs and Lullabies (Beginner)


A great channel to put your kids to sleep while listening to calming songs in Spanish. They also offer their music on spotify for an alternative listening platform. 


From the channel:

♪ LEONCITO ALADO is a channel of children’s songs for children from 1 to 3 years of age. ♪ The objective is to calm, entertain and teach values ​​and talents to our little viewers. Here you can find the best children’s songs in Spanish. We also have children’s classical music to relax and put the little ones to sleep.



Live Skits (Intermediate)


Created in Spain, a very theatrical channel filled with colorful costumes and sets to keep your children entertained and engaged. 


From the channel:

Pica-Pica is a children’s music group, with very successful songs internationally. They are characterized by their passion for theater, music, dance and games, although their main characteristic is undoubtedly humor for children and parents. Their live shows integrate the educational and recreational field, where the little ones can have fun and at the same time develop their social skills, their hearing, their creativity, body expression, psychomotor skills and self-esteem. Learn through play and family fun.


Karaoke (Intermediate)


Colorful, creative visuals accompany text on screen for children to sing and dance to. 


From the channel:

 “CANTOALEGRE is a children’s music and family shows producer founded in 1984 in Medellín – Colombia. Today it is also a producer of audiovisual content for children inspired by its songs and pedagogical career of more than 30 years.”


Puppet Shows (Advanced)


A channel that offers puppet shows as long as tv episodes, around 30 minutes. The Spanish is rapid and advanced, so we suggest this channel to more intermediate or advanced Spanish speakers wanting a different form of entertainment. 


From the channel:

 “Here you will find many segments of our programming. Don’t miss the adventures of Alan, Staff, Lucy, Nora, Lupita, IPN9000 and Memo in One Day in Once Girls and Boys…, the songs, Musicals, the Smallest Stories in the World and many animations that we have for you.”


High Energy Dancing (Any Level)


A channel where your children can dance along to other children performing high energy, professionally choreographed songs. 


From the channel:

Welcome to the official channel of KIDZ BOP in Spanish! KIDZ BOP is the #1 music brand for kids in the United States. KIDZ BOP en Español is the best place to see all our new music and dance videos, exclusive content and other videos. In addition, KIDZ BOP en Español is the only channel to listen to our most popular songs for free. Everything you love about KIDZ BOP is also here whenever you want!



Looking for more interactive learning where your kids can put all their Spanish learning to practice? Check out Cultural Bytes’ Virtual Language Camp (ViLaCa) which some kids have described as “even more fun than Netflix!”

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