Torta de Queso – Cooking with Valentina

Every country has their own unique variation on cheesecake, but did you know that in Spain, Torta de queso is often burnt on the outside on purpose to give it a bitter and sweet flavor?
Torta de Queso is a Spanish cheesecake that consists of a creamy, sweet, and rich cheese filling on a crust or base.

Cheese is one of the most versatile, diverse, and delicious foods on the planet – Grate it over pasta, eat it with crackers, bake it into bread, use it as the creamy base of a cake, melt it into fondue to name just a few. But have you ever been curious about how cheese is made? In an oversimplified explanation: high-quality milk is collected from cows, goats, or sheep, and heated and acidified, usually with the addition of bacteria or enzymes. This causes the milk to curdle. The curds are placed into molds or containers to give the cheese its shape, and then pressed to expel whey. Then salt is added to enhance the flavor and preserve the cheese as it ages in a controlled environment. The cheese can age from a few weeks to several years, depending on the type, in which the cheese develops its unique flavor and texture. Once it’s ready, the cheese is packaged and sent to your local grocery store or market. 

Every country has their own unique variation on cheesecake, but did you know that in Spain, Torta de queso is often burnt on the outside on purpose to give it a bitter and sweet flavor? If reading about cheese made you hungry to eat some, let’s bake a Torta de queso together with Valentina!


Utensils (English and Spanish)


  • Hand metal whisk (Batidor manual)
  • Scale (gramera)
  • Waxed paper (papel mantequilla)
  • Oven (horno)
  • Cake mold (mole de torta)
  • Bowls (bowls)
  • Pastry spatula (espátula)
  • Strainer (Colador)


Ingredients (English and Spanish)


  • Cream Cheese (queso crema) – 12.34 ounces
  • Eggs (huevos)  – 2 
  • Flour (harina) – 2.82 ounces
  • Sugar (azúcar) – 3.52 ounces
  • Heavy Cream (crema de leche) – 5.29 ounces


Follow Along with the Video Below



  1. Preheat the oven to 356 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Mix well the cream cheese and the eggs in a bowl. Add in the sugar and mix well. 
  3. Pass the flour through a strainer into the bowl and mix well. 
  4. Add the heavy cream and mix well. 
  5. Put wax paper on the bottom of a cake pan and pour the mixture from the bowl into the mold, spreading it evenly 
  6. Place the cake in the oven for 45 minutes. 
  7. Let cool and enjoy!



  1. Precalienta el horno a 356 grados Fahrenheit.
  2. Mezclar bien el queso crema y los huevos en un bol. Agrega el azúcar y mezcla bien.
  3. Pasar la harina por un colador al bol y mezclar bien.
  4. Agrega la crema de leche y mezcla bien.
  5. Coloque papel encerado en el fondo de un molde para pasteles y vierta la mezcla del bol en el molde, distribuyéndola uniformemente.
  6. Coloca el bizcocho en el horno durante 45 minutos.
  7. ¡Deja enfriar y disfruta!


Here at Cultural Bytes, we combine fun, culture, and language to be a learning experience that your child will love. If you want to immerse your child in the Spanish language and culture by trying out activities, crafts, games, and recipes from all of the 21 Spanish speaking countries, then sign them up for ViLaCa (Virtual Language Camp).

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