Trembleque Puertorriqueño – Cooking with Valentina

Trembleque Puertorriqueño is a traditional Puerto Rican pudding type dessert made with a base of coconut.
Tembleque means “wobbly” in Spanish, which fits the consistency of this pudding type dessert very well.

Que encantador! (How lovely!). The streets are decorated with green and red and the people are in a festive mood this Christmas time in Puerto Rico. Not a snowflake in sight in this tropical paradise, however, there is a white, creamy dessert that looks like you’re eating a cinnamon-sprinkled pile of snow. Trembleque Puertorriqueño is a traditional Puerto Rican dessert made with a base of coconut. Tembleque means “wobbly” in Spanish, which fits the consistency of this pudding type dessert very well. 

For Christmas feasts, Puerto Ricans gather as a family to eat traditional Puerto Rican dishes, such as suckling pig with rice with gandules (legumes), pasteles (made with plantain or cassava), blood sausage, arroz dulce, and tembleque.

This Christmas season, creamy trembleque puertorriqueño is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and give you a cultural experience. Let’s cook it together with Valentina!


Utensils (English and Spanish)

  • Scale (Gramera)
  • Bowls (Bowls)
  • Pastry spatula (espátula)
  • Pot (Olla)
  • Food container 
  • Hand metal whisk (Batidor manual)
  • Fridge (Nevera)


Ingredients (English and Spanish)

  • Water (Agua)
  • Cinnamon sticks (Rajas de canela)
  • Cinnamon powder (Canela en polvo)
  • Coconut milk (leche de coco) – 2 cans
  • Sugar (azúcar) – 1 cup
  • Cornstarch (maicena) – ½ cup
  • Vanilla extract (vainilla) – 1 teaspoon


Follow Along with the Video Below



  1. In a pot on low heat on the stove, mix the water and cinnamon sticks. 
  2. In a bowl, mix together coconut milk, cornstarch, sugar, and vanilla. 
  3. Remove the cinnamon sticks from the pot and set them aside. Pour the coconut milk mixture into the pot and mix on low heat until the consistency thickens. 
  4. Put into a food container and spread evenly. Put this into a refrigerator until it hardens. Sprinkle cinnamon powder across the top for decoration. 
  5. Enjoy! 



  1. En una olla a fuego lento, mezcla el agua y las ramas de canela.
  2. En un bol, mezcle la leche de coco, la maicena, el azúcar y la vainilla.
  3. Retire las ramas de canela de la olla y déjelas a un lado. Vierta la mezcla de leche de coco en la olla y mezcle a fuego lento hasta que la consistencia espese.
  4. Poner en un recipiente para comida y distribuir uniformemente. Pon esto en el refrigerador hasta que endurezca. Espolvoree canela en polvo por encima para decorar.
  5. ¡Disfrutar!


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