📖 Story Time! “El leon y los escarabajos estercoleros” con la Sra Jackie

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Did you know that your children don’t have to fully understand a foreign language in order to enjoy a book written in that language? Don’t believe us?


Watch as Señora Jackie masterfully reads El leon y los escarabajos estercoleros by Amalia Low to a group of attentive children at a Barnes & Noble event. 


Book description:

What disgusting bugs dung beetles are! But can you live in the jungle without them?

The lion is bored of having to share his jungle with creepy crawlies like dung beetles. When he finally decides to kick them out, the lion feels pleased with himself. What he doesn’t know is that the happy little animals were very necessary, because the jungle will start to get lost in poop! So he will have to beg them to come back.


Want more awesome Spanish books to read to your kids? Check out a selection HERE.


Cultural Bytes is an interactive language program that teaches children languages (Spanish, French, and Mandarin) by teaching the culture. Check out our Online and In Person classes for fun and effective language learning for your child.

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