Pan de Banano – Cooking with Valentina

Who knew a banana could do so much?
Let’s make a traditional Guatemalan dessert together, Pan de Banano, known in English as Banana Bread.

Pop quiz: Which of these Latin American countries is known for their banana export?

  1. Guatemala
  2. Chile
  3. Colombia


The answer is, 1. Guatemala. With exports of more than 2.3 million tons in 2019, Guatemala is the world number three exporter, and one of the historic pillars of the world banana trade. Back in the late 1800s, the United Fruit Company (now Chiquita Brands International) and the Standard Fruit Company (now part of Dole Food Company) established large banana plantations in the fields of Guatemala. Bananas quickly became one of the top exports for Guatemala, helping to sustain its economy by generating revenue as well as providing employment opportunities. Unfortunately, the banana industry in Guatemala has been known to mistreat laborers and provide poor working conditions. After labor strikes, critiques, and humanitarian aid, efforts have been made to improve working conditions. 


Who knew a banana could do so much? Banana’s arent just for historical and economic lessons, they’re for eating. Let’s make a traditional Guatemalan dessert together, Pan de Banano, known in English as Banana Bread.


You will need (Ingredients in English and Spanish):

  • Bananas (Banano) – 3
  • Sugar (Azucar) – ¾ cup
  • Butter (Mantequilla) – ¼ cup
  • Eggs (Huevos) – 2
  • Flour (Harina) – 2 cups
  • Salt (Sal) – pinch
  • Vanilla (Esencia de vainilla) – 1/4tsp
  • Polvo para hornear (1/2 tsp)
  • Optional: 
    • Chocolate chips (chips de chocolate) – ¼ cup
    • Banana slices (Rodajas de banana) – 1 banana


Follow Along with the Video Below



  1. In a mixer, mix the sugar and butter on medium speed
  2. While you wait, pass the flour, baking powder, and salt through a colander into a bowl. 
  3. Add to the mixer the eggs, the vanilla, and the bananas.
  4. Add the dry ingredient mixture a little at a time to the mixer. 
  5. Put a little bit of butter and flour on the bottom of a baking dish so the mixture won’t stick to it. Pour in the mixture and spread evenly. 
  6. Optional: spread the banana slices and chocolate chips over the top. 
  7. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes at 350 degrees. 
  8. Let cool and enjoy!



  1. En una batidora, mezcle el azúcar y la mantequilla a velocidad media.
  2. Mientras esperas, pasa la harina, el polvo para hornear y la sal por un colador a un bol.
  3. Agrega a la batidora los huevos, la vainilla y los plátanos.
  4. Agregue la mezcla de ingredientes secos poco a poco a la batidora.
  5. Pon un poco de mantequilla y harina en el fondo de una fuente para horno para que la mezcla no se pegue. Vierta la mezcla y extienda uniformemente.
  6. Opcional: esparcir las rodajas de plátano y las chispas de chocolate por encima.
  7. Hornee en el horno durante 12 minutos a 350 grados.
  8. ¡Deja enfriar y disfruta!


Tasting a dessert is only one way to unlock memories. If you want to immerse your child in the Spanish language and culture by trying out activities, crafts, games, and recipes from all of the 21 Spanish speaking countries, then sign them up for ViLaCa (Virtual Language Camp).

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