Alfajores Argentinos – Cooking with Valentina

Follow along the recipe to bake this beloved treat of Argentina.

Alfajores Argentinos are small, round cookies with a creamy filling in the middle, like a cookie sandwich.

The birthplace of tango. The stunning Patagonia mountain range. A competitive ‘football’ (soccer) team. Argentina has much to see and do, but today I want to introduce you to something delightful that you can taste: Alfajores Argentinos. 

Alfajores Argentinos are small, round cookies with a creamy filling in the middle, like a cookie sandwich. Not only are they given as souvenirs to foreign visitors, but Alfajores are a common gift during holidays and special occasions in Argentina, especially birthdays. If you would like to bring the taste of Argentina to your own kitchen, watch the videos and follow the directions below. You can also practice your Spanish while you’re at it.

Utensils (English and Spanish)

  • Mixer (Batidora)
  • Scale (Gramera)
  • Strainer (Tamiz o colador)
  • Rolling pin (Rodillo)
  • Cookie cutters (Cortador en círculo)
  • Baking tray (Bandeja)
  • Oven (Horno)
  • Waxed paper (Papel mantequilla)
  • Pastry Spatula (Espátula)
  • Pastry bag (Manga pastelera)
  • Bowls (Bowls)

Ingredients (English and Spanish):

  • 4.76 ounces of cornstarch (Fecula de mail)
  • 2.33 ounces of powdered sugar (Azucar Pulverizada)
  • 3.07 ounces of flour (Harina)
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder (Polvo para hornear)
  • 3.81 ounces of butter (Mantequilla
  • 1 egg yolk (Yema de huevo)
  • 1.23 ounces of water (Agua)
  • Creme filling of your choice (fruit cream, chocolate, caramel, dulce de leche)
  • Optional: Grated coconut (Coco rallado)


Follow Along with the Video Below


  1. Preheat the oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Mix the powdered sugar and butter in a mixer and cream for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
  3. Pour the dry ingredients into the mixer a little bit at a time. Then pour the water.
  4. Clean the surface of a counter and sprinkle flour over it. Scrape out all of the batter from the bowl and put flour on it. 
  5. Flatten the batter on the counter with a rolling pin so that the batter is thin. 
  6. Cut out circles in the batter with a circular cookie cutter. 
  7. Put the thin, circular cookies on a baking pan and bake for 12 minutes. 
  8. Let the cookies cool for a few minutes. 
  9. Spread the filling of your choice generously on a cookie and then place another cookie on top of it. 
  10. Dip the edges into grated coconut. 
  11. Enjoy!



  1. Precalienta el horno a 320 grados Fahrenheit (160 grados centígrados). 
  2. Mezclar el azúcar pulverizada y la mantequilla en una batidora y crema durante 10 minutos. Mientras tanto, mezcle todos los ingredientes secos en un bol. 
  3. Vierta los ingredientes secos en la batidora poco a poco. Luego vierte el agua.
  4. Limpia la superficie de una encimera y espolvorea harina sobre ella. Saca toda la masa del bol y ponle harina.
  5. Aplana la masa sobre la encimera con un rodillo para que quede fina.
  6. Corta círculos en la masa con un cortador de galletas circular.
  7. Coloque las galletas finas y circulares en una bandeja para hornear y hornee por 12 minutos.
  8. Deja que las galletas se enfríen durante unos minutos.
  9. Unta generosamente el relleno de tu elección sobre una galleta y luego coloca otra galleta encima.
  10. Sumerge los bordes en coco rallado.
  11. ¡Disfrutar!

If you enjoyed baking and eating these Alfajores Argentinos, sign your child up for Cultural Bytes’ ViLaCa (Virtual Language Camp), where we teach the Spanish language through fun, culturally-relevant activities like crafts, games and baking.

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