Last Class In Spring

Last Class In Spring

Samantha here again to report on all the fun learning activities going on at Cultural Bytes! Last week I reported on A Saturday Class with Cultural Bytes! Our students were immersed in their target language, Spanish. Elle, one of our newer students kindled a friendship with one of our veteran students, Rosin. The students also had the opportunity to play Loteria! It is a very popular game in Latin America.

“…A sneak peak of what our Summer Camp will look like!”

A Saturday Class

This past Saturday was the last class in Spring. The day started as it usually did. Our students were dropped off in the morning. Following the CDC guidelines, their temperatures were taken and sanitizer was given to each student.


Students were taken upstairs, then entering a zone ready to immerse them in Spanish. Since it was the LAST DAY we had some water games throughout the day! But before that, we reviewed all we had learned during Saturday Classes. Going over the names of the estaciones, or seasons, in Spanish. Students also learned how to say what happens during each season. Our students also got the chance to learn las frutas, or fruits in Spanish.

They created fun crafts and drew many of the fruits that they learned how to say in Spanish. This was the perfect opportunity to see how much our students were able to retain, and what they had learned and to take the opportunity to practice what they know with their Spanish speaking teachers. We even pulled out the giant Loteria that they made last class. They used words that they learned throughout the Saturday classes. 

After a few recap lessons, class ended with water balloons, a water slide, painting and bowling. After many Saturday classes filled with fun Spanish learning activities, and all the while having so much fun with our teachers and other students. The last day called for a different kind of fun. We asked parents to make sure students arrived prepared for water games! They had so much playing with the water and throwing water balloons.

That is definitely a sneak peak of what our Summer camp is going to look like! I can not wait for Summer Camp to start. All of our students learn so much and have fun while learning.  This is the cultural bite we always try to share with our students! I hope to see you all soon, we love to see familiar faces and new ones join our full immersion camp.

Until then! ¡Nos vemos pronto!


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