Must Read Children’s Books for Learning Spanish

 It’s important to find the right book for the right age level, especially when learning a second language at the same time.
“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.” – Flora Lewis

If you’ve clicked on this blog post, then you’re already convinced that reading is a crucial part of the language learning process. However, it’s important to find the right book for the right age level, especially when focusing on a second language. Let’s jump right into some must read children’s book suggestions for learning Spanish according to age groups:


Infants and Toddlers (0-2 years)

These children are in the pre-reading stage. They are exposed to board books, cloth books, and picture books with simple, repetitive text.


Spanish Book Suggestions:


Preschoolers (3-5 years)

Beginning readers at this age are starting to recognize letters, sounds, and some sight words. Picture books with short sentences


Spanish Book Suggestions:


Early Elementary (6-8 years)

These readers are typically in the process of learning to read. They start with easy readers and progress to more complex picture books and early chapter books.


Spanish Book Suggestions:


Upper Elementary (9-11 years)

Children in this age group can tackle longer chapter books, middle-grade fiction, and nonfiction books with more challenging vocabulary and themes.


Spanish Book Suggestions:


Middle School (12-14 years)

Middle schoolers are ready for young adult (YA) literature, which often deals with more complex topics and emotions. They can also handle longer and more demanding texts.


Spanish Book Suggestions


Bilingual Books


Bonus – Workbooks:

This article primarily focuses on picture books and short stories. If you’re looking for some amazing Spanish workbooks that will help your child learn math, reading, and writing skills, check out Nacho Books. 


As important as it is, reading books is one one part of the language learning process. If you want to accelerate your child’s Spanish, consider signing them up for Cultural Bytes’ One-on-one classes or our ViLaCa (Virtual Language Camp) Program where our native-speaking Spanish teachers will help your child read, speak, and write Spanish through fun activities and exposure to culture. 

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