Take a Peek into Patio Cultural Macon2

Take a Peek into Patio Cultural Macon2
Take a Peek into Patio Cultural Macon2

Photo by Patio Cultura Macon2

Nacho books are recognized throughout Latin America. Many Spanish speakers learned the language using these books! At Nacho Books we want to support foundations or spaces that encourage education and safe spaces for students. From that we take a peek into Patio Cultural Macon2. We spoke with Elvia Candanoza Vargas to learn about the foundation she works with.

Take a Peek into Patio Cultural Macon2 “The goal at this foundation is to strengthen educational and creative skills for the future of those who participate in their programs”

Ties with France

Patio Cultural Macon2 is going on four years of social and community work in Barranquilla, Colombia. Their mission statement is to construct, preserve, encourage and promote artistic, literary and cultural education based on the fundamental rights of children and young people. Their fundamental pillars are: Educate, Welcome, Motivate and Promote, with the mediation of a team of professional volunteers and technologists. The goal of this foundation is to strengthen educational and creative skills for the future of those who participate in their programs. Providing children and adolescents a safe space that shelters them from problems that surround them every day, such as drugs, gangs, and socio-economic problems.

Elvia also shared with us some of the programs they offer. She said that without hesitation everything that they have worked on has been successful and their community has welcomed it. This has provided an environment of growth from both their team of volunteers and those who participate in the programs.

The painting workshops, storytelling, and crafts entice the creative mind of children and adolescents. At the end of these workshops they are able to exhibit their work. Some examples of this are a storytelling contest and an award for the best work done with recyclable material. These activities and workshops bring so much joy to the community and those who are participating. Creative spaces like this are what Nacho Books wants to be involved in and make an impact even from a distance!

In the upcoming weeks we will share more of Patio Cultural Macon2. We will also take a peek into the lives of those who help make things possible for the participants of this Cultural space and how they made a connection with us at Nacho Books!

To support this project please visit www.nachobooks.com    

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