Paletas de Coco – Cooking with Valentina

In the Dominican Republic, it is always summer, so a creamy and refreshing coconut popsicle is the best option for a treat.
 Since coconut trees are abundant in the country, Paletas de coco (coconut popsicles) are a refreshing treat enjoyed year round by locals and tourists alike.

You wiggle your toes in the powdery white sands and gaze deep out over the crystal-clear turquoise waters. There is no laptop to nag you with email notifications, no phone yelling at you to pick it up. Just you, the ocean breeze, and a well-deserved vacation in the tropical paradise known as Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. You hear the ring of a little bell from a vendor pushing a cart, and immediately you crave an ice cream. But which flavor? Mango, piña (pineapple), fresa (strawberry)? You look over at a coconut tree in the distance and decide to go with a Paleta de Coco (Coconut popsicle). You give the vendor 100 pesos dominicanos in exchange for an ice cold, refreshing Paleta de Coco and sit back down on the sand to continue this day of leisure and sunshine. 


The Dominican Republic is known for its beautiful beaches, love for baseball, Merengue and Bachata style music, and delicious cuisine. Since coconut trees are abundant in the country, Paletas de coco (coconut popsicles) are a fresh and delightful treat enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. Would you like to try this treat? Let’s cook along with Valentina. 


You will need (Ingredients in English and Spanish):


  • Powdered Milk (Leche en polvo) – 4oz
  • Grated Coconut (Coco Rallado) – 2oz
  • Coconut Milk (Leche de coco) – 6oz
  • Milk (Leche) – 3.57oz



Follow Along with the Video Below



  1. Put in a blender the milk, coconut milk, grated coconut, and powdered milk. Blend until all the ingredients are mixed well together. 
  2. Pour the mixture evenly into molds (you can use a cup if you do not have an official mold) and place popsicle sticks into each one. 
  3. Place in the freezer for a few hours until frozen. When they are ready, place the molds in a bowl of cold water and pull the dessert out by the popsicle stick.  
  4. Enjoy!



  1. Pon en una licuadora la leche, la leche de coco, el coco rallado y la leche en polvo. Licúa hasta que todos los ingredientes estén bien mezclados.
  2. Vierte la mezcla de manera uniforme en moldes (puedes usar una taza si no tienes un molde oficial) y coloca palitos de paleta en cada uno.
  3. Colocar en el congelador por unas horas hasta que esté congelado. Cuando estén listos, coloca los moldes en un recipiente con agua fría y saca el postre con el palito.
  4. ¡Disfrutar!


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