Summer Language Day Camps

Summer Language Day Camps
Summer Language Day Camps

Photo by Cultural Bytes

Welcome back to another week of our Byte Blog! A little recap of what happened last week, we have been talking about a great program by Cultural Bytes, ViLaCa. The program is a virtual camp that offers full Spanish immersion classes.

No English will be spoken to students during these courses. We also had the opportunity to collaborate with Nisha Conngrove, a homeschooling mom and writer for her blog, MommyMaestra. Check out last week’s blog, Dive Into ViLaCa, in case you missed it and want to learn more!

Summer language day camps “With an understanding of the culture, kids will understand the language better”

Ties with France

Summer is right around the corner. School will let out soon and there will be plenty of time on kids’ hands. Fortunately, Cultural Bytes does not miss a beat. Summer language day camps are available to occupy a mind thirsty for knowledge! These camps are offered in the languages, Spanish and French. It is important to note that they are in-person day camps. CDC COVID-19 guidelines will be enforced during the camp.

The camp is open to kids in the ages of four to six and seven to twelve. The campers will be exposed to lots of time speaking in the target language. The total immersion approach is a great way for children to learn a new language or reinforce another language that is spoken at home or at school. Current and potential Dual language students are welcomed and will definitely benefit from the summer camp!

Kids who have attended the program before will enjoy the new challenges teachers will have prepared for them. If this summer is their first day camp with Cultural Bytes, then they will be pleasantly surprised! They will start off with the total immersion experience, play games with other students in their age group and level. Topics involve “greetings”, items found in the house, and on the body these all include speaking, listening, reading and writing. All to say as well that the lessons are sprinkled with culture. With an understanding of the culture, kids will understand the language better. Join us this summer. We would love to see you! 

Learn more through our website: Cultural Bytes


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