Dive Into ViLaCa

Dive Into ViLaCa
Dive Into ViLaCa

Photo by Cultural Bytes

Samantha here tuning in for another week of our Byte Blog! Last week we introduced ViLaCa. It is a Virtual Language Learning Camp that is currently available in Spanish for kids, grades  kindergarten through fourth. Check out last week’s blog,  A Language Learning Opportunity, to get acquainted with ViLaCa and also to follow our journey with Patio Cultural Macon2

In this week’s post we will further dive into ViLaCa. This virtual camp offers full Spanish immersion courses. No English will be spoken to students during their courses. The classes meet for 60 minutes a day for a month, Monday through Thursday!

Dive Into ViLaCa With ViLaCa, learning and improving language skills are never boring!

Ties with France

Classes are set up in a way where there is the option to pay per individual class, or if preferred, to pay for the entire month. Two levels are available as well. A class is designated for kindergarteners and first graders and another class is geared towards those in second grade through fourth grade. It is important to note that this camp is aimed towards students who already have a proficiency in Spanish.

We collaborated with Nisha Congrove,  a homeschooling mom and writer for MommyMaestra. We had the opportunity to get her opinion on our classes from the point of view of a parent. She shared with us her favorite parts about our camp.

She enjoyed the approach we took in language teaching. Congrove pointed out how her children had the experience to not only learn the target language but also learn different content such as the culture that comes with the language. Learning about geographical location, food and how to eat them, mythology and even its indigenous roots, keep the students engaged and interested in learning the target language. Crafts are made every day and are also engaging with the use of multimedia. With ViLaCa, learning and improving language skills are never boring!

Check out her site to read more in detail about her experience with ViLaCa, Virtual Language camp by Cultural Bytes!


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