Learning Another Language Reinforces your Native Language
“Bringing my dog along, I went to the store to buy milk for my grandma.” Simple enough to understand, right? Well, let me ask you
“Bringing my dog along, I went to the store to buy milk for my grandma.” Simple enough to understand, right? Well, let me ask you
French Language Day. Reading the title, there is no confusion about what the celebration is about. However, you might have some follow up questions, like how
Discover the magic of the Farolitos from Colombia. 🇨🇴✨ Learn how to make this beautiful craft step by step and immerse yourself in the cultural richness
A Boy in A Field A boy, not a day older than seventeen, stands in a field. He looks up at the rays of sunlight
Learning disabilities or learning disorders are broad terms for a wide variety of learning problems most often affecting reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Children with learning
Make this paper craft of faces that express joy, surprise, sadness and more – it’s a perfect activity to help kids understand and express their emotions
“That was the hardest test, hardest lap around the track, hardest dance, hardest essay….” You get the point. The word, “hardest” is an extremely subjective word
All across North America, you will find casseroles of all shapes and sizes gracing tabletops as families gather for dinner. It is an ‘all-in-one’ meal composed
Women’s History Month has its humble origins in 1981 when Congress moved to celebrate “Women’s History Week”. Since 1995, presidents have set aside the whole month
Things were going so well! You found a routine and system that worked for your son or daughter and they were cruising down the “language learning
“Apprendre une langue que vous ne connaissez pas est difficile.” Do you have any idea what the above sentence in French means? You can probably pick
You wiggle your toes in the powdery white sands and gaze deep out over the crystal-clear turquoise waters. There is no laptop to nag you with
In Mandarin, pronunciation can be practiced. Tones can be trained. The grammar has no gender, plural, conjugations, or declination. The vocabulary is often literal and makes
“Te lo digo ahora mismo, espero que escuches mi historia. Estaba cruzando la calle cuando un auto se acercó a mí. ¡Ten cuidado al cruzar!”
Lima, Peru should be near the top of your list of places to visit in Latin America. This diverse country boasts a beautiful coastline with relaxing